
Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Secret Law of Attraction

The Secret Law of Attraction

“I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it's not the answer.”
Jim Carrey

In my last blog I shared a video of Jim Carrey sharing his Awakening back in 2009, where he experienced how 'thought' was probably the main cause of suffering, or THE cause of suffering in our world. In the video I'm sharing today, he talks to Oprah about how he 'manifested' his success in Hollywood through visualization. He said he used to drive up to Mulholland Drive and visualize having Hollywood directors interested in him, telling him they liked his work, and he'd visualize things that he wanted coming to him. At the time he wrote himself a cheque for $10,000,000 dated Thanksgiving 1995. He kept the cheque in his wallet over the years. Then just before Thanksgiving 1995 he was told he would be making $10,000,000 from his first film - Dumb and Dumber.

What I find interesting is that, yes, Jim Carrey successfully used visualization/ the Law of Attraction as promoted in the movie The Secret to manifest exactly what he wanted. However, as the first line of this blog recounts, it didn't bring him peace. He found it wasn't the answer he was really seeking. It certainly didn't bring him peace within. This is not to say that having lots of money is wrong in any way. It's just posing the question whether our visualization can be one degree off course - leading us to another destination we hadn't factored in.

An amazing metaphysical teacher/consultant who wrote books on this topic back in the 1920's Florence Scovel Shinn used to remind her clients not to be totally specific when visualizing what they wanted. She always reminded people to allow for infinite intelligence to express the divine plan for their life. Here's an example of one of her affirmations she would encourage her clients to use...

"Infinite Intelligence, give me the right property, equally as beautiful as (property address that you admire), the property which is mine by divine right."

Her reasoning was that our 'small mind' - the mind that can only comprehend a very small portion of the world in which it lives - could not possibly know the perfect plan for not only the person desiring a changed circumstance for themselves, but for everyone connected to that person. Our small ego with its limited vision has no comprehension of the huge chain of events that occur to bring you what you have each day, and the infinite intelligence that is guiding all of this.

Scovel Shinn instructed her clients that they were in fact inseparable from that infinite Mind guiding the whole of creation and as such only needed to have an intent for a certain thing, but to ask for the right thing/circumstance for them.

The other aspect of creating infinite wealth has to be asking inwardly each day - how can I serve in my unique way today. How can I add/give my gifts to the world, how can I serve? Then wait for the inspiring action to be self evident. It may be as simple as helping an elderly person cross the street, taking them by the arm to ensure they have a safe passage across a busy road.

As Jim Carrey is now finding after his Awakening, perhaps the real gift he would deliver to the movie moguls was how to find inner peace within the apparent wealth and affluence of Hollywood.

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