Showing posts with label the law of attraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the law of attraction. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Goal Setting Nightmares

I recently experienced first hand the incredible power of goal setting. What I wasn't prepared for was the speed of change that can occur when you write a new vision for your life.

The vision I wrote for myself was to move 100% into working in my passion - to help others free themselves to also work in their passion and to find peace within the busy-ness of careers, family, friends and interests. I see the stress on people's faces everywhere I go and know that people can be freed from being the 'mouse on a wheel' in a never ending loop of work, sleep, work, sleep, endlessly chasing the dollars to pay the debts for 'stuff' they thought would make them feel better, only to find that these things enslaved them more!

I began this walk 37 years ago, studied, practised and read everything I could from the masters - meditation teachers, motivators, the various spiritual texts, life coaches, trained in multiple mindset change modalities, etc. Ultimately I have found that living a 'normal' life is the greatest teacher. It is where you will get your greatest challenges and your greatest learning. Being a parent, partner, employee, employer, child, sister, brother, grandparent....

My vision was to work with a high degree of authenticity. I wanted to 'walk my talk'. My life vision was to be living in a state of being that could meet any event that life could present to me, in peace. If I wasn't able to 'live' this, how could I walk anyone else through to it?

Well, talk about opening up the hornet's nest!!!! Within a matter of weeks of writing this life vision, our existing internet business (web development, mobile apps, marketing, etc) started slowing down hugely. Our contractors started going slower and slower. We couldn't get clients to give us information to complete their jobs. New clients who had said they wanted to proceed with new work and asked for the deposit invoice to be sent to them, all put the brakes on. They all started delaying new project startups for a couple of months. I'd ring them back on the agreed date and still they needed another couple of months before starting the new projects.

As you can imagine, by this time our cash flow was seriously challenged and all I was seeing was the wall. I just couldn't figure out what was happening. Many sleepless nights and pushing clients for information, payments, commitment and so on, until I WOKE UP! I ASKED FOR THIS!

The only suffering that occurred in this transition time was my resistance to change. The change was happening so fast that I really wasn't ready for it, nor did I have brain cells to truly comprehend what living in this new state was going to be like! I did put out the intent to authentically walk my talk in this new career. What's that old saying - 'no gain without pain?' Does it really have to be that way? Or could we just stop resisting, stop judging the changes that occur in our lives, and stand back far enough from the coal face of our lives to see the magnificent miracle that's unfolding before our eyes?

Part of the personal growth I wanted was to be a living example of freedom from the ego and the separateness it creates between people, to be transparent and to be acted and spoken through by a higher wisdom. (Some may call it God, universal intelligence, inspiration, intuition, etc). Little did I know that I would have to face the black abyss of nothingness to live this state authentically.

I have always filled my life with busy-ness. I hadn't realized how much of my identity was enmeshed with my busy-ness. To face day after day of doing nothing, being nobody to no-one was a fearful place to be in. The experience I was met with was the ultimate demise of my personal identity. Who would I be without this identity that I'd defined myself by for so many years and without material things to support 'me' also? My partner and I practise a process of questioning our thoughts and turning them around to the opposite to gain greater insights about contentious issues. It was this process that has helped me find peace in all of these changes and to now be firmly on my new life path.

In hindsight, my goal of wanting to be transparent and free of ego separateness required that my own sense of personal identity had to die in the process. I had to 'let go' of that long enough to experience who I am beyond this. In behind the nothingness of no identity I found a place of absolute peace and a sense of being full to overflowing, lacking nothing and BEING everything. Nothing could ever be added to this experience as it was so filled in every moment with a sense of wholeness and completeness.

Interestingly, the second client who came to us after this epiphany, was facing death of another kind with a prognosis of terminal cancer. I pondered how perfect life is - that I was so thoroughly equipped to walk this person through the intense fear of losing physical identity, to find peace, wholeness and completion with whatever life (or death) brought to her. What a blessing for us to meet and work together - and such perfect timing!

As the image attached to this blog says - at some stage of our lives we must let go of the known and venture into the unknown places of our minds and hearts if we're ever going to live our authentic life!

For those of you who live in Australia we are now offering a full weekend one-to-one intensive with just one person or a couple to help them move from life crises into a new way of being. Or if you're outside Australia why not treat yourself to the most liberating holiday of your life?

For more information ....

Thursday, 9 May 2013

How We Create with Our Mind and Heart

Following on from my last post of Gregg Braden teaching us how we can create what we desire by combining thoughts with feelings or the power of heart energy. I want to share this diagram from one of Gregg's books, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief....

Quantum physics tells us that our world is made of electrical and magnetic energy, including ourselves. Researchers are also telling us that within the human body, the heart emits the greatest amount of electromagnetic energy. So, when we add heartfelt emotions to our thoughts we are using the "stuff" of the universe to bring into physical form what it is we are seeing in our mind.

When we change our thoughts and add heart based energy or emotion to our new thoughts, we change what shows up in the atoms and molecules of our physical world. The simple act of creation!

From Gregg Braden's research the secret seems to be that we need to see and feel that the thing we want to manifest is already done. Feel what it is like already having or doing that thing.

In my next post we'll be looking at a medicine-less hospital in Beijing where they perform healings through mind power.

Power of the Mind to Create

Gregg Braden traveled the world interviewing monks, nuns, healers and other 'miracle workers' to find the secret of what they were doing to create these miracles. He discovered that science had always taught us that the space between physical objects in our universe was empty.

However, quantum physics is now finding that the space between things is full of a living pulsating essence. In 1944, the father of quantum physics, Max Planck said - underlying everything we see, our bodies included, there is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. Some refer to it as The Field. Researchers around the globe are now finding we have the ability to influence this field in ways that we are only just starting to comprehend.

Gregg Braden emphasizes it's not just using the mind to create the life of our dreams. We need to combine the thought of what we want with a strong heart feeling of what it would be like to already have that life we desire - already done, already done!

How to Create Success Using Mind Power

John Assaraf speaks briefly on the Power of the Mind to create abundant wealth. It's all about clarity. Be absolutely clear about what it is you want to create. Then, he says, it's like giving an instruction to the universe. Seemingly without you even knowing it, things start to appear. You start to harmonize with your clear vision and everything you need to achieve your vision starts to appear.