
Sunday, 7 July 2013

How to Use Your Innate Creativity to Effect Change

Most people who have achieved success in some area of their life have probably already drawn on the creative faculty of their mind to do so. Particularly in business it's vital to 'think outside the box' to truly connect with your Unique Selling Proposition. Perhaps you haven't realized that the same formula you used to achieve business success can also be used in every other part of your life. Too often people can become one dimensional (particularly in business as it requires such a focused investment of time) and lose sight of the fact that they know how to effect change for the better in all areas of their life.

However, just by being more aware of the mechanics of how you got to be successful in one area of your life, you'll start to see how your whole life can be an expression of success and fulfillment. This means you can expect to have successful and fulfilling relationships, change can be made without trauma or some incredibly painful effort, and your whole life can be an expression of creativity and peace.

Just this week I watched a great video by Brian Tracy where he talks about the power of our super conscious mind. Most of us know about the conscious and subconscious mind, but may not have heard of the super conscious mind. The advent of quantum physics is revealing the existence of a 'field' which contains all possibilities in our physical world. You might want to read more on this research in The Field by Lynne McTaggart. Unbeknown to most people you can create virtually any outcome you have the inspiration to achieve by tapping into 'your' super conscious mind. I have 'your' in parenthesis because in fact you don't really own this capacity of your mind. You open your mind to 'it'. "It" is the quantum field where everything that ever was, is, or will be, exists. The fact that you exist means you are inseparable from the quantum field and therefore can tap into or open yourself to the field for any information/inspiration you need to achieve your desired outcome.

I'll give you some diverse examples of how I've used this ability (we all have) to tap into the super conscious field and you'll start to see how you can make it work in any area of your life that you feel needs some positive change.

Here's just 3 samples of how you can tap into the super conscious mind - Finding Your Ideal Life Partner, Finding the Perfect Home when moving from one city to another without even trying, and Finding Creative Solutions in the Workplace without Effort.

1. Finding the Ideal Life Partner
Write a list of the values you'd like your partner to have, e.g. health, spiritual, financial, etc. Get really clear in your conscious mind what the qualities are in your ideal life partner. You may refer back to this written list from time to time to remind yourself who not to spend time with (don't entertain second best options). You want to leave all your time and energy open only to people and events that are compatible with your stated life values. The next step is to act on inspiration that comes to you. In my case I was inspired to work on a health stand promoting a process which I had pretty much moved on from, nevertheless I felt drawn to work on this stand and followed the inspiration. It turned out that was the first time I met my now life partner and best friend of 7 years. We went on to have two more 'chance' meetings and after the third time we have been pretty much inseparable ever since.

What I understand from this experience is the importance of staying aligned with the vision, following the inspirations you receive, acting on them, and then the answer will appear, seemingly without effort, and when you least expect it!

2. Finding the Perfect Home Without Even Trying
Some years ago I sold my home and business in one part of the country as I had bought a business in another city. I needed to find a home pretty soon and started to think about where I would like to rent in this new city while I got clear about where to ultimately buy. I decided that I wanted to be right by the beach in a modern two bedroom, two bathroom residence and I wanted to pay a certain price. I started checking the real estate sites in that area and found a unit directly across the road from the beach. The location was superb, however it was pretty old and didn't have a second bathroom but the price was right. So I went ahead and put my name on the list of prospective tenants.

After 3 calls to the letting agent who was still unable to give me an answer as to who they would let the property to, I decided to call back and asked to be removed from the list. By this stage I had to get busy with finishing the handover of my old business and the new one, and packing my personal possessions at home. A week or so later I attended an options trading seminar and just by chance I got talking to a lady as we walked out of the meeting room. I mentioned I was close to moving to this new city and needing to find a place to live near the beach. She said she was, at that very time, looking for someone to rent her unit in a complex on the beach in this area. After a little probing I discovered that her unit perfectly matched my list of requirements. In fact it was better than I'd written, yet the price was exactly what I wanted to pay. I went on to spend probably the best time of my life in that unit as the beach location provided an incredible healing space for that part of my life.

The key factors in what I did in this example were - being very clear about what I wanted, not taking second best, sticking to the vision, and acting upon inspiration (attending the options trading course even though my life was being turned upside down at the time).

3. Finding Creative Solutions in the Workplace without Effort.
I had a screenprinting business and was always pushing the boundaries of what 'could be done' whether that meant delivery deadlines or new innovations. Whenever I was presented with a new challenge I would immediately define exactly what needed to be achieved and the time frame for its completion. This might be an extraordinary volume of work had to be completed by a certain time. It may have been a type of printing I had not done before, so I needed some special technical assistance to complete the task.

In each situation after I got very clear about what I had to achieve, I then simply 'put out' the thought of what help I needed and asked the question "Where/who is the person that can help me with what I need?" I would then let the thought go and just get on with life and business with a complete conviction that the answer would be delivered to me very soon. In every case the answer came to me within a couple of days, usually when I was walking around doing some physical task at home or at work. When doing something physical you stop laboring on finding the answer - that gets let go whilst you're physically engaged. This allows you to be open to the super conscious mind's promptings. The only other thing you have to do is act upon the inspiration!

Here's Brian Tracy's inspiring video about how to use the super conscious mind and effect change for the better in your life...

For anyone who is wanting ongoing support to change your life with personal coaching, we offer a 6 month coaching program, a 2 Day Change Your Life Program (with 1 month follow up coaching) and weekly group webinars .

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