
Monday 20 May 2013

How the Subconscious Mind Creates our Life Experience

Over the years I’ve worked with many people wanting to find more harmony, peace, wealth, or some better kind of life for themselves. In doing so I continually hear how they more often than not have the same kinds of experiences showing up throughout their lives. This always signals to me that there’s some subconscious program running which is causing this pattern to play out in life.

In a previous article in my blog I shared a wonderful explanation for this phenomena from Dr Bruce Lipton. Dr Lipton explains that from conception to the age of 6 or 7 our brainwave state is similar to that of a hypnotised person. The implication of this is that any suggestions put to us during this time of our lives will likely stay as an automatic program in our subconscious mind, thereby reproducing that belief or thought for the rest of our lives unless we make a conscious effort to change that program.

Knowing this dynamic I worked with a lady who was continually experiencing living on the edge financially throughout her life. There was no real reason for this to be so as the lady was very well educated, came from a reasonably well off family and had the capacity to create good businesses/income. However there just never seemed to be “enough”. She was always finding her bank account showing at next to nothing. In many cases she had lots of money owing to her in her businesses, but she just couldn’t get the money to flow in at a constant rate to have any sign of abundance in her bank account.

We did quite a bit of work muscle testing to inquire what the subconscious belief/s may be that had setup this pattern in her life. We did several sessions of subconscious belief change but still no change happened. One day this lady just started talking about an incident that happened when she was about 7 years of age. Her mother had asked her to go to the corner store to buy a few small items and gave her a pound note to pay for the goods. While at the store the little girl noticed a 96 page exercise book which she immediately saw herself filling with many drawings. She was an avid artist and would draw on every scrap of paper she could find. When she saw this big book of empty pages her mind was already seeing the hundreds of drawings she could do to fill its pages. She added up the value of what her mother wanted and realized she had enough money left over to purchase the book, which she did.

So, off she raced home with her treasured book and mother’s shopping, burst into her home and announced to her mother that she’d been able to buy this wonderful exercise book with so many pages that she could fill with drawings. Well, she certainly wasn’t prepared for the reaction she received from her mother, who delivered a scathing judgment of the little girl’s selfishness. “How dare she spend that money on herself when it had to go round the whole family!!!!” She was promptly marched out of the house with instructions to return the book to the shopkeeper and never to do that again!

Anyone reading this story is no doubt already seeing how this message delivered to a child whose reasoning capacity was not yet developed, and whose brainwave state was pen to suggestive programming, would have had such a life impacting result. As we talked through this lady’s life experiences again, she could see this common thread of how she inadvertently had kept anything but the bare essentials at such a distance in her life. She even realized that she had chosen a husband who bought all her clothes. Because of her programming she was unable to go out and spend much on herself, but she chose a man who would do it for her. At least in this instance the program had beneficial results in the short term, but long term he also spent money with no thought of tomorrow and ultimately left her with more debt than collateral to cover it. In one instance she had been putting aside a little money each week into a savings account in her own name, but when her husband found the bank book while she was at work promptly went to the bank, sweet talked the bank tellers and withdrew the whole lot.

When her parents died and she was left an inheritance, she recalled feeling at a subtle level of herself that she had to get rid of that money as fast as she could. (She did exactly that and within two years she had become bankrupt). With this new awareness that she was receiving from our work together she could see that the programming her mind received as the 7 year old was that she had no right to “family money” and it would be selfish of her to think she could have that money for herself. Hence the underlying drive to get rid of that money as quick as she could.

After doing many subconscious belief changes, we finally realized that we needed to simply take the lady back in time to the moment just before she entered her family home with the exercise book in hand, stop her outside the door and let her know what was about to happen. So I asked the lady to go back in her mind to that moment in time. Once there she would explain to the “little girl” that when she went inside, her mother would be very angry about her purchase – not because she didn’t deserve the book, or that she was bad or wrong in some way. It was simply because at that time her mother was probably under great stress financially making sure a small amount of money spread around the 7 people in her family.

She then explained to the “little child” that she could speak to her mother about how she might be able to get that book sometime in the near future. Perhaps she could setup a savings plan, do some odd jobs for her mother and earn some pocket money or perhaps there might be some free money in the household in the near future, enough for her to receive the book. The lady did this process and reported back the sense of empowerment she felt from the situation as she spoke of it this time round. Previously there were only memories of loss, wrongness and feeling she was not deserving to have the things she desired. This time round she emerged as a powerful negotiator on her own behalf and also someone able to see beyond just her own needs. She was able to see that sometimes in life she needed to discuss through what she wanted and needed with those around her to find the best way forward to achieve the needs of all involved.

It’s been a difficult journey for this lady as she setup one major loss after another throughout her life, but now that she has re-framed an experience that she previously interpreted to mean that she didn’t ever deserve to have the things she desired, to now understanding that it was simply her interpretation of the event to have drawn that conclusion. She has now seen that there were many other possible conclusions she could have drawn. She chose to re-frame the experience into one that was empowering and creative that I’m sure will see her creating a very different future for herself from here on in.
I invite you now to look at your own life for any recurring painful or non supportive situations showing up and to start inquiring of yourself why you, as a masterful creator, would have been creating this in your life. What story did you buy into as a child about this aspect of your life? Keep inquiring until you can find the earliest memory of an event similar to your recurring situation. Once you’ve found this event, take the “little child” in you back to just prior to the event and help that child re-frame the experience in a more life supportive and empowering way.

What we’re doing here is rewriting the story in our subconscious mind – installing a new more self empowering program for our life to run on. Since about 95% of our lives is being run by our subconscious mind it’s vital that we have supportive beliefs operating there. All the best to you in your mind journeys!

For anyone who is wanting ongoing support to change your life with personal coaching, we offer a 6 month coaching program, a 2 Day Change Your Life Program (with 1 month follow up coaching) and weekly group webinars .

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