
Saturday 9 November 2013

Using the Concepts of Spiritual Healing and Quantum Physics to Create Our Ideal Life.

Joel Goldsmith, a highly successful spiritual healer who practised up until his death in 1964, wrote many books explaining the process of spiritual healing. In reality he could have left it at just one book because his explanation was quite simple. What I'm now reading of current research from quantum physics, Goldsmith's method was in alignment with these new scientific principles being discovered.

Being a Christian, Joel Goldsmith sought wisdom and understanding through the scriptures. Throughout all his writings he refers back to one scriptural passage - "the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands." What he realized was the power of simply focusing on the truth of who a person is (inseparable from God and therefore already complete and whole), is the healing dynamic.

In quantum physics a healer would say to focus on the quantum field of all possibilities (in Christian terms this field equates with God). So the healer would focus on the completeness, wholeness and pure state of the quantum field, untainted by our mental concepts of disease and disharmony. So the stone (disease, disharmony, lack, etc) is cut out simply through the attention, or focusing, on the truth that a person's reality is completeness and wholeness - or the quantum field, where there is no concept of disease, disharmony, lack.

Goldsmith often referred to the universal hypnotism that we've all come under. He asserted that universally we've all bought into a belief in sickness, lack, disharmony and the myriad other woes of the world. So when we look at the scripture "the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands" Golsmith realised that the healer's job was to focus not on the condition which seemed to appear as real. Instead it was the healer's job to focus on the perfection and wholeness that is the truth, and at the basis of, everything in creation.

In "The Art of Spiritual Healing", Joel Goldsmith says... "The principle behind this process is that, insamuch as the activity of the human mind is the substance and the activity of hypnotism (belief in disease, disharmony, lack, etc), when the human mind is stopped - the hypnotism is gone." We stop the human mind when we focus on the quantum field, still our mind to just ponder on this place of all wholeness and completeness. It's akin to meditation where our mind becomes still and quiet as we just let it rest in this peaceful place of wholeness.

Goldsmith says to remember that you are not doing this process to change anything. You are bringing yourself back to the awareness of the truth. The truth is that at the essence of you and of everything else in creation, there is this field of perfect wholeness and abundance. If you were to go into this process trying to change something (perhaps a disease or money problem), your attention is on the problem. This method requires that you only ever focus on the truth that in behind of all of creation there is this infinite field of perfection, peace, abundance, wholeness.

In Deepak Chopra's book "Creating Affluence" he refers to principles now understood by quantum physicists. Here's an excerpt from this book which aligns with Goldsmith's spiritual teachings on the topic of healing.

"Physicists tell us that as we go beyond the realm of subatomic particles into the cloud of subatomic particles which makes up the atom, that when we try to examine and understand these particles - these particles are so small that we can never measure them. In fact, they are so small that we can only think about them.

There is another very interesting fact about these particles: they have never been seen. We know they exist by the evidence of the trails they leave behind in particle accelerators. But there is another very interesting facet to these particles, and that is that they come into existence only when we observe them.

So, if we are looking at a quantum field, every time we look at it these particles blink into existence. And every time we turn our attention away from them they disappear into a void. They blink on and off like little lights in a dark room. The dark room you can imagine as infinite, unbounded space, and the particles that blink into existence do so by the mere act of putting attention on the field. When you put your attention on the field, then they come into existence. When you're not putting your attention on the field, then they are just a probability amplitude in the field of all possibilities.

It is attention that takes that probability amplitude and brings it into material existence just by the mere act of observation, and the mere act of observation is, of course, putting our attention on it. So, a particle (physical existence) is literally created by you and me through the act of observation. It is the quality of our attention that is bringing a certain probability amplitude in the field of infinite possibilities into material existence. If our attention is on wholeness, we are wholeness."

So, here we can see the alignment between the practice of spiritual healing as performed by Joel Goldsmith and others like him; and the principles of quantum physics. Science confirming spirituality!

To cut the stone (disease, disharmony, lack, problems) out of the mountain (our life), we only need to put our attention on wholeness, perfection, harmony, peace, etc. We, as conscious beings, have focused our attention on an idea of disease, disharmony, lack, problems, etc. However, with what we're learning from quantum physics and also the successful demonstrations of healers like Joel Goldsmith, we can change our life experience by bringing our attention back to the awareness that in behind all these appearances there is an infinite intelligence, perfection, wholeness, abundance.

Joel Goldsmith successfully healed thousands of people worldwide using this simple principle, and taught many others to use it successfully.

Our challenge then is to practice this principle in our daily lives - not focusing on the things we don't want or that we're unhappy with. We need to rein in our conscious mind and discipline it to focus our attention on the truth of who we are - inseparable from the quantum field of all possibilities where everything is whole and complete. When we focus on the fact that everything in our life is already whole, complete, perfect; then we naturally expect or anticipate that life is working FOR US - not against us. We stop resisting life and are now open to its subtle prompts to go here or there, connect with this person or that, do a particular activity in the moment. We magically start to receive information we need that can change our life circumstances. In this mind state we soon experience more and more synchronicity and life seems to become more effortless, peaceful, fulfilled, healthy, harmonious.

For anyone who is wanting ongoing support to change your life with personal coaching, we offer a 3 month coaching program, a 6 month coaching program, a 2 Day Change Your Life Program (with 1 month follow up coaching) and weekly group webinars .